Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

Break any stronghold in World of Tanks

The elderly and the scandal of the "No Mercy" in his article tells how to use bug 1 you can put any stronghold clan without third-party programs. Minor, but funny (not all). 

Most of the bug for more than six months, but you can see how the game connection in the game, which is broken for 1.5 years, no one is going to fix at all. In my opinion, you need to have to run the initiative #FIXWOT

What's the great thing about this game? Animals mumbled about damage or bending and the normal guys will not hesitate to answer: to make fun of animals.

Today we have a new, which is very nice, method of humiliating players of any color. I'll tell you how to break stronghold any clan without third-party programs. To begin with, we find a group of players in the Team Battle or stronghold, choose any to your taste. You can take someone with whom you have a score to settle, and the pleasure will be doubled.

We go to the victim in the fortification, lost in the crowd queue and open the menu of stripes. We begin to remove the CD and wear any of them. Connection to the server all sitting in this stronghold immediately clogged billions of extra kilobytes of information, and tanki.exe instantly fly away. Meanwhile, you happily yell with friends over how downs drained himself fighting.

Our Russian hackers, who discovered this bug, have already successfully applied it. By the way, is rumored to be one of our almost agreed with one drunk commander 500 rubles for dodos of the enemy during the attack. That's what business is.

And here's the recording of the stream from the other victim, unable to evaluate the effect:

It is best now to go into the thicket, to the red-red players, all sorts of drunks and chocks who are in the fortification of the in-game radio communicate and jam them fighting sanctions dudos. First to these primitive, in contrast to the green shit and pseudechis, the news of the bug had not come, and they will complain to WG through its hissing microphones while all and Sundry to break And secondly, you can get the lion's share of fun listening to their talks on the radio in the client after "technical problems".

Respect MERCY, follow the news, and Speranta ukrepi of the Fuckers. Until next time.

Source: link.

Break any stronghold in World of Tanks
08 january 2019 year
Tags: Clans


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