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Clan scuffle IX in World of Tanks

The ninth Clan Scuffle is on the horizon, in which the best clan teams will meet again. The first 50 clans on the Walk of Fame will be eligible to participate in the tournament. At the same time, all players participating in the tournament must also be on the Walk of Fame event.

Traditionally, valuable prizes await the tournament participants. Tournament registration has already begun and will continue until August 12, 12:00 (MSK).

* In the ninth Clan Scuffle will be able to participate only clans ranked in the top 50 at the end of the gaming event "Iron Age". The results of the selection according to the results of "Confrontation" for Clan Scuffle IX are invalid. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Changes relative to previous tournaments

  • The entire tournament is held in Attack/Defense format on the standard map according to the rules of the Global map landings.
  • In group stages with a draw in a match, a tie-break will be used, and points at the end of the match will be distributed under the new scheme (victory - 3 points, victory on a tie-break - 2 points, defeat on a tie-break - 1 point, loss - 0 points).
  • The final stage of the tournament will be held by Double Elimination system (system of holding tournaments, where the participant is eliminated from the tournament after two defeats).
  • For multiple winners of the tournament "Clan Scuffle" new stripes are prepared.

DATES: August 13 - August 28.


Participating teams are from the top 50 clans based on the results of the Iron Age event. Qualification will take place on August 13-14.

Group stage

In the group stage 10 teams-winners of qualification and 6 teams from clans, taken 1st-6th places in the Iron Age event meet. Takes place August 20 - 21.

Final Stage

The 1st place teams in their groups go straight to Winners Round 2, and the 2nd and 3rd place teams in their groups go straight to Winners Round 1. The round will be played between August 25th and 28th.

Prize pool

(See screenshot 3).

  • Place badges.
  • Stripes for multiple winners of the tournament.

By results of Clan Scuffle IX we will collect information on all players who took the first place in past "scuffles" and depending on the number of first places will be assigned appropriate stripes. We will continue to collect these statistics for future awards.

Requirements for teams

  • The team must consist of 15 to 21 players. It is not possible to change fighters once the team is allowed to participate. Be careful when selecting your squad.
  • The team name must be in the format "[Clan Tag] Team name". Teams that ignore this rule may not be allowed to participate in the tournament.
  • If in the battle in the composition of the team are players without a clan tag team clan (non-clan or from another clan), the team will be disqualified.
Clan scuffle IX in World of TanksClan scuffle IX in World of TanksClan scuffle IX in World of TanksClan scuffle IX in World of Tanks
04 august 2022 year
Tags: eSport


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bogart (bogart) bogart (bogart)
04 august 2022 year
вг настолько жадные что жалко 5к$ призового фонда когда получают за премы миллионы

Точно настолько жадные, что забрали все танки у своего официального партнера code4game - там теперь пустые полки
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Gary (Gary) Gary (Gary)
04 august 2022 year
В это говеное воргейское казино играть нет желания от слова совсем!

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