Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

116-F3 - a new promotional Chinese tank of level 10 in the supertest of World of Tanks

116-F3 (China, TT-10, 3 round drum, premium) came out this afternoon for a super test.
The new tank does NOT have the new mechanics of the TT China: Rocket Boosters. The machine is a normal level 10 heavy, but with a drum of 3 shells. Where it will go in the end is still unknown.
Premium status is temporary until release.
Features, appearance and comparison as always in front of you.

Since the 116-F3 with a drum, let's highlight its gun characteristics separately:


  • Average damage: 530
  • Average armor penetration with armor-piercing projectile: 266
  • Average armor penetration with Sub-Caliber ammunition: 325
  • Average armor penetration with high-explosive projectile: 65
  • Total Drum Reload: 30.68
  • Reload between rounds: 3,75
  • Ammunition in the drum: 3
  • Sight translation rate: 27.12
  • Aiming angles: -8/20
  • Contact time: 2.59
  • Range at 100 m: 0.40
  • Average damage per minute: 2,499
  • Armor-piercing projectile muzzle velocity: 950
  • Velocity of Sub-Caliber: 1,350
  • Initial flight speed of high-explosive projectile: 930

* All specifications are with commander's bonus.

** No description.

Crew of 4 men: Commander (Radioman); Gunner; Driver Mechanic; Loader.
Role in combat: Heavy breakout tank.
Special equipment category: survivability.

116-F3 - a new promotional Chinese tank of level 10 in the supertest of World of Tanks116-F3 - a new promotional Chinese tank of level 10 in the supertest of World of Tanks116-F3 - a new promotional Chinese tank of level 10 in the supertest of World of Tanks116-F3 - a new promotional Chinese tank of level 10 in the supertest of World of Tanks116-F3 - a new promotional Chinese tank of level 10 in the supertest of World of Tanks116-F3 - a new promotional Chinese tank of level 10 in the supertest of World of Tanks116-F3 - a new promotional Chinese tank of level 10 in the supertest of World of Tanks116-F3 - a new promotional Chinese tank of level 10 in the supertest of World of Tanks
22 september 2022 year


Скорее всего за ранговые или за ГК. Так как за последние события награда была так себе.
Abema (ApllePie) Abema (ApllePie)
23 september 2022 year
Artemka_krot92 (Artemka_krot92) Artemka_krot92 (Artemka_krot92)
24 september 2022 year
Как может быть дпм 2400 если у его барабан перезаряжается 30с и между выстрелами почти 4 !! Получается он в минуту может выдать максимум 1590 !! Опять с характеристиками наедалово!!
Izido Riar (Izido Riar) Izido Riar (Izido Riar)
04 november 2022 year
какие же танкисты глупые. берем перезарядку в 30 секунд и еще 8 секунд перезарядки внутри барабана без первого снаряда т.к. он выдается сразу. получается 38 секунд, делим 60/38=1.58(умножение урона в минуту). в барабане 3 снаряда 530*3=1590. А теперь умножаем урон с барабана на дпм в минуту 1590*1.58=2500 урона в *минуту

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