Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

Event details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of Tanks

From September 26 to October 10, the "Waffentrager: Legacy" game event will take place, in which you will once again have to fight the formidable Blitzträger auf E 110, the "wunderwaffle" created by the von Krieger family. This time things will be a little different. Instead of the Engineer, the uninvited guests will be welcomed by his daughter Hermelinda and will demonstrate how "hospitable" their family can be. She will be confronted by Alliance forces, represented by a team of six Hounds.

As before, there is no good or bad in this epic confrontation. Participate in the game event and gain the right to break into Random Battles on the legendary Waffenträger auf E 100 PT-SAU!

DATES: September 26 12:00 (MSK) - October 10 12:00 (MSK).

Main changes from the previous event launch

  • Instead of Max von Krieger, the Hound Squad will be opposed by his daughter Ermelinda.
  • The Hound Squad is a team of six random players. Platoons of up to 3 players are allowed. The Hounds have an unlimited number of revivals in battle, but each subsequent one takes longer than the previous one.
  • If the vehicle of the Hounds carrying a plasma blob moving at speeds above 50 km/h, the plasma counter will slow down, giving more time to deliver plasma to the generators.
  • The progression of the game event is now more linear and visually clear. You'll always know what rewards you can get and when you reach the next stage of the progression.
  • The Waffenträger: Legacy event will have many great rewards available, including Engineer and Hound starters to launch portals with game values, new appearance items, bonuses, and even the Waffenträger auf E 100 itself for rent! The Engineer starters will also be available as gifts in sets in the Premium Shop.
  • The Engineer and Hound portals have been given a reward swapping mechanic: you can change their contents up to three times for credits (for the Hound portal) or up to five times for gold (for the Engineer portal).
  • You will have the opportunity to rent the legendary PT-SAU Waffenträger auf E 100 to play in Random Battles when you launch the Engineer Portal (with a certain chance of falling out) or as a guaranteed reward for completing an event progression.

"Waffentrager: Legacy": Briefly about the event

If you decide to transfer your account to another region, your progress in the event and any in-game items received or purchased will be transferred along with your account. You will be able to continue your progress from where you left off.

  • Battles will take place in 6x1 format on one of three slightly modified maps: Murovanka, Siegfried Line and Steppe.
  • Before the battle you can choose one of the sides of the confrontation.
  • The Hounds (a team of six random players or a platoon of up to three players; dynamic platoons are allowed) go into battle on thoroughly modified special vehicles: the Foudre (Bat.-Châtillon 25 t), the Resistor (Object 140) and the Thunderbolt (M48A5 Patton).
  • Hermelinda will confront them with the Blitzträger auf E 110, an incredibly powerful PT-SAU operated by a single player. She will be covered by AI guards, the Sentinels.
  • Each team has a different task: the Hound squad must disable the protective energy shield of the Blitzträger auf E 110 and destroy this machine in a certain time, and the Blitzträger auf E 110 must hold out until the end of the battle time.
  • To go into battle on the Blitzträger auf E 110, you will need keys. You can earn them in game mode or get them as part of special kits in the Premium Shop. Below you will find out another way to get a key to play Blitzträger auf E 110!
    Complete special game event tasks and receive stamps that will gradually fill up your progress bar. The game event progression consists of 20 stages. As you reach each stage, you will receive rewards, including bright appearance items, Waffenträger auf E 100 to rent to play in Random Battles, boons, Engineer and Hound starters, etc.
  • In addition to rewards for completing progression stages, you can get game values from portals. The most coveted reward will be premium vehicles, including two brand new vehicles:
    • FV4201 Chieftain Proto, a level IX British heavy premium tank;
    • KV-4 KTTS, a Soviet premium level VIII PT-SAU.

These and the other 10 premium vehicles can only be obtained from the Engineer Portal (with a certain probability of falling out). You can also rent the legendary Waffenträger auf E 100 PT-SAU to play in Random Battles!

  • Engineer Starters are special in-game items that can be earned during a game event and used to trigger an Engineer Portal, from which you can get great premium vehicles and other valuable rewards.
  • There are also Hound Starters for launching the Hound Portal, from which with a certain probability can fall useful in-game items, among which memorable 2D-styles and other elements of appearance, personal reserves, days of the Tank premium account, etc.

Game modifications performance during the event

Popular game modifications can cause performance problems during a Waffentrager: Legacy event. To avoid this, play without mods or update them.

How to Start Playing

  1. In the Hangar, select "Waffentrager: Legacy" mode from the drop-down menu to the right of the "Battle!" button.
  2. Click on the game event banner in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the interactive 3D portal in the Hangar.


The Alliance once again hit the trail of the von Krieger family and obtained the coordinates of the base, where a squad of Hounds was immediately dispatched. However, something unexpected happened... Instead of Von Krieger himself, they had to deal with his daughter Hermelinda. But that does not mean that this confrontation is any easier to win!

The squad consists of six Hounds, who will be opposed by the incredibly powerful Blitzträger auf E 110. In the Event Hangar you'll find three special vehicles:

  • "Resistor," a versatile tank for a variety of combat missions;
  • "Thunderbolt" - a slow tank with decent hull and turret armor and a formidable cannon;
  • "Foudre" - a fast tank with a magazine loading system, in which low armor and survivability are compensated by excellent dynamics.

Choose one of these vehicles and press the "Fight!" button to fight Hermelinda's incredibly powerful battle monster!

Hounds can be revived in battle an unlimited number of times, but each subsequent revival will take longer and longer. If the Hounds' vehicle carrying the plasma blob is travelling at over 50km/h, the plasma meter will slow down. Use this to deliver plasma faster and increase your chances of victory!

The Hounds Task.

Complete the Hounds' tasks to get the stamps you need to fill your progress bar, as well as the keys to play the Blitzträger auf E 110. For completing some of these tasks, you will receive Hound starters that allow you to launch the Hound portal.

Blitzträger auf E 110

To go into battle on the powerful Blitzträger auf E 110, the player will need a special key. It can be obtained in several ways.

  1. Complete a special task in Random Battles (available once) to earn one key. The task will be available from September 26, 12:00 (MSC) to October 6, 12:00 (MSC). You must win five Random Battles, fighting on vehicles of levels IV-X, as well as be in the top 10 players on your team in terms of experience.
  2. Complete the tasks of the Hounds.
  3. Achieve certain stages of the main event progression.

The keys will also be available as gifts in the Premium Shop during the game event.

* If the waiting time for a battle drags on or there are not enough Blitzträger machines in the queue, the balancer can offer you to play the Blitzträger auf E 110, even if you do not have the keys.
There will be no compensation for unused keys after the game event ends on October 10 at 12:00 p.m. (MSK).

Engineer Tasks

By completing Engineer tasks you will be able to earn Engineer stamps and starters.

Battle duration mechanics

The initial combat time is 5 minutes, but this can be extended to 15 minutes using the overtime mechanic, which can be activated once per combat. If at least one Hound car has plasma, the duration of the battle will be increased by the time remaining before it disappears (if the overtime mechanic was not activated earlier).

If the Hounds have several plasma clots, the time of clot disappearance with the longest timer will be added to the combat duration. If overtime conditions are met, 60 seconds will be added to the combat time.

What happens if at least one Hound car has Plasma?

  • If the overtime mechanics have not been activated, additional combat time will be added according to the rules described above.
  • If the overtime mechanic has already been activated, the timer will stop at zero, but the battle will not end.
  • If the generator is knocked out, the combat will last as long as under normal conditions.
  • If the player leaves the generator and the combat timer expires, the Hounds lose and the combat ends.

Blitzträger auf E 220: Rare but Desirable Enemy

The Blitzträger auf E 220 has the same characteristics as the E 110, but is distinguished by its unique camouflage, which makes it easy to distinguish. This machine can only be unlocked by some Lesta Games employees and popular bloggers. You can encounter it in combat on special days.

If you and your team manage to defeat the E 220, you will receive a special medal and one Engineer starter. Read a special article with details about the big E 220 hunt, including a list of participating bloggers and a schedule of prime times!

Play Random Battles on the iconic Waffenträger auf E 100 PT-SAU!

** To complete the progress bar and receive all game event rewards, you must play as both Hounds and Hermelinda. If you miss a few tasks or only start playing in the middle of an event, it will be difficult to catch up and get the legendary Waffenträger auf E 100.

Complete special game event tasks and earn stamps, which will gradually fill up the progress bar. The progression system consists of 20 stages, and you'll need 20 stamps to complete each stage. On the progression screen you will see how many more stamps you need to earn to complete the stage and receive your reward.

For achieving each new stage, you'll receive game values, including:

  • Two unique tank girls with exclusive voice-overs (for completing stages 10 and 17 of the progression);
  • memorable themed appearance elements (insignia, decals, lettering and camouflage schemes);
  • starter's Engineers and Hounds;
  • boons;
  • tank premium account days.

But most importantly, at the end of the final 20th stage, you will have the opportunity to rent the legendary Waffenträger auf E 100 PT-SAU to play in five Random Battles!

You will get the very same legendary "Waffräger", a level X German PT-SAU that was withdrawn from the game in 2016. If you played on this formidable machine at the time, your stats will be counted in all Random Battles. You can also get additional fights on the Waffenträger auf E 100 as a reward (with a certain chance of falling out) from the Engineer Portal.

Playing the Waffenträger auf E 100 as part of a platoon will not be available.

*** You will have the opportunity to play available battles on a rental Waffenträger auf E 100 even after the end of the event, until October 18, 03:00 (MSC). After that the legendary vehicle will be deducted from your account. Uncompleted battles will not be compensated.

Additional daily challenges

There are two additional daily challenges available for those who complete all 20 steps of the event progression. For completing them you will receive a Houndstalker starter and a key to play the Blitzträger auf E 110.

Portals and rewards

For completing the event tasks, passing certain progression stages, and defeating the rare Blitzträger auf E 220, you will receive two types of starters needed to launch portals. In the launched portals you will find valuable rewards.

By playing on Hound vehicles, completing event tasks or reaching certain progression milestones, you will have the opportunity to earn Hound starters. They will allow you to launch a Hounds portal and be guaranteed a reward from the list below:

  • credits;
  • personal reserves;
  • days of the Tank Premium Account;
  • equipment;
  • dismantling kits;
  • slots in the Hangar.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to obtain appearance elements that were available as part of previous game events in the Waffentrager series.

For completing tasks when playing the Blitzträger auf E 110 you will receive Ingenier starters. You need them to start the Engineer's portal.

You can get Engineer starters after completing certain progression stages and from special kits in the Premium Shop.

You are guaranteed 100 gold the first time you launch an Engineer Portal, which can also be spent on replacement rewards (more on this below). Game gold will be credited to your account each time you launch the Engineer Portal, and will not be in the case of a replacement award.

* When you launch the Engineer Portal, you can get in-game items in four different categories, each with a different chance of being dropped. First and foremost, you will receive a guaranteed reward from the list below:

  • credits;
  • personal reserves;
  • Tank premium account days.
  • training materials;
  • disassembly kits;
  • special new 2D styles "Overloaded Grid", "Lightning Hunter" and "Layout Board".

If luck smiles on you, there is a 5% chance you can get an impressive 3D style of Hounds for Object 140, Bat.-Châtillon 25 t or M48A5 Patton. Each 3D style can only be dropped once.

However, the most coveted reward will be rare premium vehicles of levels VIII and IX, including new vehicles: FV4201 Chieftain Proto and KV-4 KTTC.

  • [NEW] FV4201 Chieftain Proto
  • [NEW] KV-4 KTTC

In addition to these formidable machines, you have a 2.4% chance of getting the premium vehicle you don't already have from the list below (and a slot in the Hangar with it)

  • Chieftain/T95
  • M-IV-Y
  • EMIL 1951
  • ASTRON Rex 105 mm
  • VK 75.01 (K)
  • M54 Renegade
  • Škoda T 27
  • Kampfpanzer 07 RH
  • AltProto AMX 30
  • M48A2 Räumpanzer

Finally, the Engineer Portal gives you the chance to rent the legendary Waffenträger auf E 100 for 10 Random Battles!
** 10 rental fights on the Waffenträger auf E 100 can be obtained a maximum of 5 times per account.

*** There will be a special counter in the game client until guaranteed to get the machine. Each time you get a premium vehicle it will be reset to zero. After getting all possible machines the counter will become unavailable.

Engineer Portal: How it works

  • When you receive a machine from the Engineer Portal, a slot in the Hangar is credited first, and information about this will be in the Notification Center.
  • If you receive a machine that you already have in the Hangar, it will be replaced with another machine that you don't have.
  • If you already have all of the machines on the list, the cost of the dropped machine will be compensated in gold.
  • If you sold a premium vehicle from the list above, but it can be restored with the appropriate mechanics, it will still be able to fall out of the Engineer's portal with the standard probability. However, you will receive compensation in gold instead.

Mechanics of a Guaranteed Machine

If you have spent 49 starters of the Engineer but have not yet received a premium vehicle, on the 50th opening of the Engineer portal you will surely receive a random premium vehicle with a slot in the Hangar from the list above that you do not already have.

If you already have all of the vehicles from the list above in your Hangar, the guaranteed reward mechanic will be disabled.

Replacement Reward Mechanic

In the event "Waffentrager: Legacy" there will be a reward replacement mechanic, thanks to which you can replace your current reward. Each replacement is accounted for by the guaranteed machine mechanic and brings you one step closer to receiving premium equipment.

The Hound Portal can be restarted up to three times per credit.

  • The cost of the first replacement is 25,000 silver, the second is 50,000, and the third is 100,000.

The Engineer Portal can be restarted up to five times for gold.

  • The cost of each of the first three replacements is 250 gold, and the remaining 500 gold.

Replacement rewards will not be available if premium equipment or compensation in gold is dropped from the Engineer's portal.

Unique crew members

Hermelinda Jung and her Alliance counterpart, Villanelle Rapier, are ready to join the ranks of your vehicle commanders! You will be able to recruit these unique crew members with an exclusive voiceover upon completion of certain stages of the game event. They have learned the "Battle Brotherhood" skill (as "zero"), as well as enough experience to learn three more skills or skills of your choice.

None of the crew members are tied to the game nation, so you can place them in any vehicle in your Hangar. Initially they can only be recruited as commanders, but later their basic specialty can be changed for gold.

**** After re-training from commander to another specialty, the unique voiceover will not be available. However, it will be present in battles again when re-trained as a commander.


Defeat at least one Blitzträger auf E 110 or Hound squad and receive the appropriate medal as a reward. There is also a third medal, but you'll need a bit of luck to get it, as you'll have to defeat the Blitzträger auf E 220.

Special sets

Four special sets will be available during the game event. In these you will find free keys to play the Blitzträger auf E 110. In addition, each set contains a certain number of themed event decals to decorate your equipment, as well as the Engineer starters (as a bonus) to run the Engineer portal.

What happens to the keys and starters after the game event ends?
When the event ends on October 12 (12:00 PM MSK), all unused keys for the Blitzträger auf E 110 game will be written off and the corresponding number of portals will open automatically. All rewards from them will be credited to your account. All event machines will be written off, and the experience earned on them will be transferred to the MS-1 tank. All collection items, rewards and items from the portals will remain with you. You will have the opportunity to complete your available battles on a rental Waffenträger auf E 100 until October 18 (03:00 MSK).

If you decide to transfer your account to another region, your progress in the event and any in-game items received or purchased will be transferred along with your account.

Off. news: link.

Event details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of TanksEvent details Waffentrager: Legacy in World of Tanks
22 september 2022 year
Tags: Events


Dohuya Ekspert (po tankam) Dohuya Ekspert (po tankam)
22 september 2022 year
Зная ВГ(уже лесту) и свое везение , даже за 50 коробок дропнется разве что ***** с отвалом
wadka (wadka) wadka (wadka)
22 september 2022 year
**** с отвалом ещё ничё так после прошлогоднего высера с китайским ЛТ после 50-ти коробок...
morsh (morsh) morsh (morsh)
22 september 2022 year
все именно так и будет, 50й портал, какая-то муйня и горечь от понимания, что лох. самый интересный танк - это 9-ка FV4201 Chieftain Proto. его будет намного дешевле купить позже, чем выбивать из портала.
Victor Zsasz (FFF) Victor Zsasz (FFF)
22 september 2022 year
Варгеев убедить не удалось, может Лесту получится:
Дорогие друзья всегда было и остается "лучше меньше, да лучше"!
Не засоряйте нас мусором, у нас его и так уже куча.
morsh (morsh) morsh (morsh)
22 september 2022 year
В прошлом году можно было гарантированно получить ASTRON Rex запустив специальный портал 60 стартерами. В позапрошлом премтанк - заменою за голду.
Расчет ВГ на то, что в этом году народ открывая портал инженера будет "палить" 2 250 голды в надежде на премтанк. Ведь каждая замена учитывается механикой гарантированной машины
Таким образом гарантированная награда на 50 открытии - или тупо 50 стартеров инженера или 9 стартеров и 18250 голды. И не факт, что выпадет желаемая техника. А с учетом покупки голды дешевле брать большой набор на 50 коробок
Ну, такое себе
morsh (morsh) morsh (morsh)
22 september 2022 year
Непонятно, а что с 3Д-стилями, если они уже все есть? Шансы на выпадение премтанка увеличиваются?
Abema (ApllePie) Abema (ApllePie)
23 september 2022 year
Компенсация в виде некоторого кол-ва серебра
morsh (morsh) morsh (morsh)
23 september 2022 year
Ошибочка. Не 18250 голды, а 14 250 голды. Хотя с заменами есть вероятность выпадения премтанка до 50 открытия.
Интересно будет глянуть как Лёхи в рандоме будут на вафле играть, 100% поедут доминировать как в режиме
Kingston (dima8674) Kingston (dima8674)
23 september 2022 year
я просто беру бабаху и все 1 шот 2к урона топ считаю, нужно больше вафлей срочно

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