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The thematic style associated with the Waffentrager: Legacy mode.…
"Multicolor Graphite" - A special camouflage scheme available for obtaining as part of the...…
"Multicolor Brass" - A special camouflage scheme, available to obtain as part of the "Waffentrager:...…
Decals can be obtained through the Engineer or Hound collection. Or in themed packs for donation.…
"Layout Board" - All-season style, available for pickup as part of the Waffentrager: Legacy event of 2022.…
"Lightning Hunter" - All-season style, available to receive as part of the "Waffentrager: Legacy"...…
"Overloaded Grid" - All-season style, available to receive as part of the "Waffentrager: Legacy" 2022 event.…
All medals are new. As in previous years, whoever gets the Waffenträger auf E 220 destruction...…
There are 7 ranks in total, but the first 5 have divisions: D, C, B, A.…
New unique commanders, 3 big decals and 2 styles. This is all timed to coincide with the 40th...…
For the first time in a long time, this element of customization reappears.…
Choose an image for your favorite machines, emphasize their character and stand out among the...…