Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

In a new Star Citizen video, the game's authors talk about shooter mechanics

Cloud Imperium Games studio has released a new video on the game Star Citizen, in which we were told about the shooter mechanics of the project.


According to the developers, in 1st-person battles players will be able to use a lot of different weapons, which will differ from each other in a variety of parameters. The recoil of guns will also be different, and its strength will depend on the comfort of gameplay. Also in Star Citizen there will be two different types of reloading: the first, faster, for which you will need to climb into the inventory and change the magazine manually, and the second - to reload on the move from the backpack (in this case, the process will be longer, but climb into the inventory will not have to).

Recall that Star Citizen still has no release date.

In a new Star Citizen video, the game's authors talk about shooter mechanics
08 march 2024 year


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