Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

An update on the Mandalorian game has surfaced

In the network appeared fresh information about a new project on the series "Mandalorean", the development of which is engaged in the team of Respawn Entertainment studio.

According to the description of the fresh vacancy of the company, this game is created on the engine Unreal Engine 5, and it will conceptually resemble such projects as Dark Forces and Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2. In other words, we plan to please us with a story-oriented shooter from the 1st person, the main character in which will probably be one of the natives of the planet Mandalore.

Earlier similar information with readers shared with insider Tom Henderson. According to his assurances, in the new project from Respawn will be a hero who will get at his disposal a lot of different gadgets like a cat hook and a rocket launcher on his arm. Doesn't that remind you of anyone?

Nothing is known about the game's release date yet.

An update on the Mandalorian game has surfaced
20 february 2024 year


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