Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

VK 65.01 (H) — new Level 5 prem tank at the World of Tanks Supertest

VK 65.01 (H) (Germany, TT-5, prem) came out today for testing on the WOT supertest.
This is far from a new tank, rather even an old one. It was just taken out of the back drawer. VK 65.01 (H) got to the supertest for the first time in April 2016. Tested and for some reason postponed. The tank itself has been in the game files since 2016. The last time its TTX was changed in April 2020, as part of the adjustment of the strength values of the equipment (patch 1.9).

Now the tank has been updated for the current realities of the game and is being prepared for release. When the car was tested in those old days, the tank had one feature: it was VERY slow, very. On the ground, too, everything is bad.

Characteristics, appearance and comparison are always in front of you. For what and how is unknown.

The tank is not new, so we compare it with its latest version:

VK 65.01 (H) (Germany, TT-5, premium)

Changes regarding the basis 1.15.


  • Spread from turning the chassis (max.): from 0.23 (7.20) to 0.23 (8.40)
  • Gun rate of fire: from 14.22 to 16.91
  • Loading of the gun: from 4.22 to 3.55
  • Average damage per minute: from 1,565 to 1,860
  • Average damage per minute by High-explosive projectile: from 2,489 to 2,960
  • Initial flight speed of an armor-piercing projectile: from 685 to 800
  • Initial flight speed of a Subcalibre projectile: from 850 to 900
  • The initial flight speed of a high-explosive projectile: from 685 to 800


  • Engine power: from 600 to 900
  • Specific power: from 9.23 to 13.85
  • Chassis turning speed: from 31.29 to 36.51

* On January 19, 1939, the Tank Armament Testing Department (WaPrüf 6) announced the beginning of work on the creation of a 65-ton tank. On September 1, 1939, Henschel and Krupp received an order for the production of pre-production machines. By April 1940, a wooden mock-up was created; by mid-1941, a prototype (according to other sources, two prototypes) was built of non-armor steel and without a tower. In 1942, work on the project was curtailed, and the prototype was destroyed.

  • Crew of 5 people: Commander; Driver mechanic; Gunner; Radio operator; Loader.
  • Role in battle: Breakthrough Tank.

Screenshots of the tank: link.

VK 65.01 (H) — new Level 5 prem tank at the World of Tanks SupertestVK 65.01 (H) — new Level 5 prem tank at the World of Tanks SupertestVK 65.01 (H) — new Level 5 prem tank at the World of Tanks SupertestVK 65.01 (H) — new Level 5 prem tank at the World of Tanks SupertestVK 65.01 (H) — new Level 5 prem tank at the World of Tanks SupertestVK 65.01 (H) — new Level 5 prem tank at the World of Tanks SupertestVK 65.01 (H) — new Level 5 prem tank at the World of Tanks SupertestVK 65.01 (H) — new Level 5 prem tank at the World of Tanks Supertest
01 march 2022 year
Tags: Supertest


Подарок будет на 9 мая
WGBogi (WGBogi) WGBogi (WGBogi)
01 march 2022 year
Только украинцам
SHAYT4H (shaitannatiahs) SHAYT4H (shaitannatiahs)
02 march 2022 year
полно легендарных танков ! которые в жизни существовали та же пума была бы очень интересной машиной ! я бы отдал деньги за это ! А НЕ ВСЯКИЙ ШЛАК ОДИНАКОВЫЙ 8 ЛВЛА ИЛИ КАЛ ТАКОЙ КОТОРЫЙ ПРЕДЛОГАЮТ !

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