Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

Screenshots of the Semovente M41 tank from the World of Tanks supertest

Semovente M41 (Italy, PT-5, pumpable) in the photo.

That's where the future sub-lighting will start.

By the way, who knows what kind of wire is on it and a piece of armature?

TTX and news earlier: link.

Screenshots of the Semovente M41 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Semovente M41 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Semovente M41 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Semovente M41 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Semovente M41 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Semovente M41 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Semovente M41 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Semovente M41 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Semovente M41 tank from the World of Tanks supertest
11 july 2022 year
Tags: Supertest


bogart (bogart) bogart (bogart)
11 july 2022 year
Провод это антенна в сложенном состоянии, арматура - пика с разрушенного забора :) На заднем плане он виден.

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