Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

Screenshots of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tank from the World of Tanks supertest

Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 (Italy, PT-9, drum for 4 shells, pumpable) from update 1.18 WOT with its final model.

Armored, for the game on the second line (you will still stand in the bushes on 3-4).

Screenshots of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tank from the World of Tanks supertestScreenshots of the Controcarro 1 Mk. 2 tank from the World of Tanks supertest
10 august 2022 year
Tags: Supertest


Опять!!Опять!!!!Ей богу,ОПЯТЬ!!!!Новое творение вг и,господи,ОПЯТЬ БАРАБАН!!!у вас там барабанов с кассетами на новые "джеклондоновские"танки хватает то??Не знают как деньги сдирать,уже вон шо,какой насос новатек делают...Ни копейки в казино!!!Удавитесь своим 1 долларом 50 центов!!жалею что задонил на s35!!

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