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Обратная связьOn April 27 (TUE) 2021, the 7th period (season) of the WOT 2.0 Referral Program will start. There are 13 full days left.
New 2 free tanks (one for the recruiter (commander), the other for the recruit), 2 slots. You can once again get yourself unique rewards, including such necessary bonuses.
Now is the time to finish off your refka, if you have already started it before!
We also remind you that now all referrals are completed in at least 15 days, because WG has introduced a strange limit on 100 referral points per day.
* This line is updated at 06: 00 (Moscow time).
What new tanks will be added in season 7?
- Now it is still unknown. But as you can guess, they will add medium and below-average tanks. Not exactly shit, of course, but this is an illiquid so-called.
What is there on the use of bots when passing referrals?
— You can safely do it. WG does not give out bans for this for two years now. Everything is OK, everything is calm. And you don't waste your time at all.
And even if you suddenly get banned from the twinkie, it does not affect the rules of the game at all on your main or other accounts.
The current list of reward assets for the Referral program 2.0 WOT.
Reward for the commander (equipment level 8).):
Recruit Reward (Level 6-7 technique)):
* Previously, I already had a recruit account, more than 60 days have passed, can I invite him again?
- No, you can't!
* If a player was already a commander, and then did not enter the game for a long time, he can be called by another player who was once a recruiter?
- No, alas! He can't be a recruit if he's already been a commander. The contract has already been completed. The commander can no longer become a recruit.
* Did not play for N days, it is the visits to the client of tanks that are checked?
- The period of no activity will be counted from the last battle in WoT.
* Will the recruit be able to become a commander (recruiter)? If so, how will the progress be calculated?
- Yes, a recruit can become a commander (recruiter). As soon as he becomes a commander (recruiter), he will have an additional tab with all the necessary information. Where his progress in the recruiter status will be displayed. The progress calculation for each of the campaigns will be performed separately.
* Did not play for N days, it is the visits to the client of tanks that are checked?
- The period of no activity will be counted from the last battle in WoT.
* If there is a limit on the number of award tanks that the commander can pick up?
— There are no such restrictions, for each recruit, the commander can take a premium tank or compensation in the form of silver.
Any advertising attempts in the comments to pass the referral will be punished with a ban.
ATTENTION: Beware of scammers! There are a LOT of them!
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Хвк 30 и то лучше будет. У того хоть динамика, скорость и маскировка,э есть. А пушка такая же считай
порой только два живых играка из 2х команд, это просто дичь
Возможно это альтернативный способ поднять онлайн в песке.