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Arcade Mode: What World of Tanks players think

3,000 bots were polled. True opinions, please leave them here in the comments. Who played this sub-mode anyway?

The new game mode "Arcade" has become a real event, bringing tons of emotions and adrenaline to the battles. The mode has three parts, each with exclusive mechanics. The first part, "Relsotron," is over. It's time to find out what impressions the players had!

Arcade: general impressions

In RailSotron mode, firing time, gun dispersion, engine power and some other vehicle parameters were improved by 50-100% at once. In addition, the range of guaranteed enemy detection was increased to 445 meters.

Relsotron: what players think

After playing the first of three launches of the new game mode, RailSotron, 72% of the surveyed players said that they were looking forward to the return of Arcade. Let's take a look at what players liked most about Relsotron.

Player impressions of the mode

"The mode is interesting, thank you developers!"

"Everything turned out very cool. Fun, not boring, in a word, power! I can play on artillery, Type 5 Heavy, and Caliban now and enjoy it.

"Very cool mode! Can't wait to come back! But overdid it with the 400m X-ray! Some of the equipment becomes completely unplayable!"

"Liked everything, but think level VI can take part in this mode too. Otherwise, it's an interesting mode."

"Liked it all at once, very unusual to see that."

"Interesting mechanics, the accuracy of the guns without disappointment, you could also add here the turn rate of the undercarriage, sorry, was not long."

"It's downright relaxing, still hunting very much!"

"Really enjoyed the mode, positive emotions received, I hope this mode will evolve into something or will appear more often."

Arcade Mode: What World of Tanks players thinkArcade Mode: What World of Tanks players thinkArcade Mode: What World of Tanks players thinkArcade Mode: What World of Tanks players thinkArcade Mode: What World of Tanks players thinkArcade Mode: What World of Tanks players thinkArcade Mode: What World of Tanks players think
22 july 2022 year


Леха (Sorry38) Леха (Sorry38)
26 july 2022 year
Все круто, кроме рентгена. Метров 200-300 хотя бы.

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