Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

Premium Tanks of the Week: Object 252U and Object 252U Defender in World of Tanks

This time the tanks of the week in the Premium Shop are VIII Object 252U and VIII Object 252U Defender!

Two legendary twin brothers with one of the best one-time damage scores among the classmates - 440 units. As well as solid armor and excellent mobility for heavy units that will always get you to the place where the outcome of the battle is decided.

* The "Advanced" and "Maximum" sets are available in the Premium Shop until August 8, 12:00 PM (MSK).
The basic set with each of the tanks remains permanently in the Premium store, as well as in-game store for 10 100 gold coins.

Off. news: link.

Premium Tanks of the Week: Object 252U and Object 252U Defender in World of TanksPremium Tanks of the Week: Object 252U and Object 252U Defender in World of TanksPremium Tanks of the Week: Object 252U and Object 252U Defender in World of TanksPremium Tanks of the Week: Object 252U and Object 252U Defender in World of TanksPremium Tanks of the Week: Object 252U and Object 252U Defender in World of Tanks
01 august 2022 year


Норм,252у забрал за голду,лежала ещё из нг коробок,плюс стиль на него "дембель" пылился давненько.
jet andy (jet andy) jet andy (jet andy)
02 august 2022 year
Танк хороший, несомненно. Но вот стиль Дембель один из самых стремных в игре, имхо.

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