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Обратная связьThe VIII Turtle Mk. I is this time the tank of the week in the Premium Shop!
2911 damage per minute - a record among classmates! The single damage is good - 330 damage, which means that you can hold the enemy on the rink, and with each shot take a decent bite out of him. Armor is also respectable - 254 mm of frontal protection.
* "Advanced" and "Maximum" sets are available in the Premium Shop until August 1, 12:00 (MSK).
Basic set with the tank remains permanently in the Premium store, as well as in-game store for 9,000 gold.
Off. news: link.
List of changes to OT3 1.18.1 compared to OT2 1.18.1.
As said, the main imbue of the last patch was not the...
The Gryphon season will run from October 12, 11:00...
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Если че, его у меня нету. И без него есть чем "кормить" 8-9-10. Но, как противник, местами даже что-то иногда отбивает.
Его в рандоме то нет)