Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

The second part of the World of Tanks collaboration with G.I.Joe

New unique commanders, 3 big decals and 2 styles. This is all timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of G.I.Joe as part of the World of Tanks collaboration.


  • "Baroness" [Baroness] (Commander).
    As the spoiled child of European aristocrats, Baroness was active in the student radical movement and eventually joined the ranks of Cobra. She skillfully played on the ambitions of members of the leadership, pitting them against each other for her own ends. She is rumored to be the only one who knows who lurks beneath Destro's mask.
  • "Cover Girl" [Covert Girl] (Commander).
    Cover Girl was a successful model in New York and Chicago, but later joined the Army, trained at Fort Knox Armor School, and attended related technical schools. She is well versed in diesel mechanics and gas turbine technology.

When recruiting, they are not allowed to choose a major!

  • When recruiting, you can choose:
    • type of machinery and machine;
    • nation.
  • Unique voiceover is present.

Large decals:

  • "Cobra C.A.T."
  • "G.I. Joe Wolverine."
  • "40 Years of G.I. Joe".

G.I. Joe is one of the world's most popular action figure series produced by Hasbro. Several generations of children in different countries have played with them and were fascinated by the struggle of an international elite team of special forces against a complex and well-coordinated global criminal network called Cobra.

* This collaboration will be released only for EU, NA, Asia, CN regions.

The second part of the World of Tanks collaboration with G.I.JoeThe second part of the World of Tanks collaboration with G.I.JoeThe second part of the World of Tanks collaboration with G.I.JoeThe second part of the World of Tanks collaboration with G.I.JoeThe second part of the World of Tanks collaboration with G.I.JoeThe second part of the World of Tanks collaboration with G.I.JoeThe second part of the World of Tanks collaboration with G.I.Joe
15 september 2022 year
Tags: Styles


Зачем нам знать о том, чего не будет на сервере RU ? Или вы решили нас потроллить?
Abema (ApllePie) Abema (ApllePie)
16 september 2022 year
Ну вдруг ты из тех 28% которые ливнут на ЕU
Roman (Zurokif) Roman (Zurokif)
16 september 2022 year
Что бы ты завидовал и понимал свою ущербность. Даже в игрушке тебя и то ограничили.
Lynnot178 (lynnot178) Lynnot178 (lynnot178)
16 september 2022 year
Давно просят разрабов сделать возможность удаления в ангаре ненужных элементов внешнего вида, которые невозможно продать за игровую валюту. Заодно бы и статистику собрали, что интересно игрокам.
У нас в России есть много знаменитых актёров, которые играли роль танкиста в кино, почему бы Лесте не сделать их облик и озвучку для Мира Танков?

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