Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

Small changes of premium vehicles in the second test of World of Tanks update 1.18.1

The "new" M47 Patton Improved tank has a different tech. ID (with a prefix _2) relative to the M Project, which was tested a little earlier (link), BUT their specifications are the same. Ie The client added a new tank is a copy of, where will go M Project - is unknown.

T54 Heavy Tank (USA, TT-9, premium)

Changes relative to the first iteration of the General Test 1.18.1.


  • Cost of 2 (KC) projectiles: from 4,400 to 4,800

M47 Patton Improved (USA, CT-8, premium)

Changes relative to the first iteration of the supertest.


  • Added historical background:
    The M47 Patton Improved is a production M47 Patton II tank with enhanced armor and armament. Additional protection is provided by metal shields on the turret and hull, and a 105mm cannon was installed to increase firepower. Also the assistant mechanics were removed from the crew, having placed on his place additional ammunition.
  • A short description of the tank was added:
    Good armor, powerful gun
  • Added detailed description of the tank:
    American medium premium tank of level VIII. It can be called a "weighted" representative of the family of famous U.S. tanks. The hinged split armor allows you to play in the first line, and a powerful gun with excellent armor penetration copes with all classmates in head-to-head encounters.

BZ-176 (China, TT-8, premium, mechanics: rocket boosters)

Changes relative to the first iteration of General Test 1.18.1.


  • Cost of 1 (OF) projectile: from 1,170 to 1,450
  • Cost 2 (OF) projectile: from 6,800 to 7,200
  • Radius of Engagement 2 (OF) projectile: from 0 m to 4 m
Small changes of premium vehicles in the second test of World of Tanks update 1.18.1Small changes of premium vehicles in the second test of World of Tanks update 1.18.1Small changes of premium vehicles in the second test of World of Tanks update 1.18.1
23 september 2022 year


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