Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

Changes on the map "Himmelsdorf" in the update 1.18.1 World of Tanks

These small but important changes did not pass the supertest and go straight to the base.

  • Changed the race on the mountain in the square D0 for the upper respawn.

After the changes in 1.18, where the square D9 made deepening of the terrain, mapping realized that this is not enough and is in an update 1.18.1 will be new changes. Now the race on the mountain in the square D0 is divided into two parts with the ability to pass without damage and a new check in order to illuminate the opponent on the opposite side.
Also now the technique can leave the mountain without fear of getting hit in the stern.

WAS => STILL (screenshots have gone a little).

Changes on the map "Himmelsdorf" in the update 1.18.1 World of TanksChanges on the map "Himmelsdorf" in the update 1.18.1 World of TanksChanges on the map "Himmelsdorf" in the update 1.18.1 World of TanksChanges on the map "Himmelsdorf" in the update 1.18.1 World of TanksChanges on the map "Himmelsdorf" in the update 1.18.1 World of TanksChanges on the map "Himmelsdorf" in the update 1.18.1 World of TanksChanges on the map "Himmelsdorf" in the update 1.18.1 World of TanksChanges on the map "Himmelsdorf" in the update 1.18.1 World of Tanks
18 september 2022 year
Tags: Maps


химки лучшая карта игры. Она даже на лт интересна
Теперь уже не так интересна, карта стала дисбалансной: выигрывает команда нижнего респа, т.к. на горке для них сделали углубление, где они спокойно отыгрывают от башни как для заезжающих на горку с верхнего респа, так и для тех, кто стоит на горке у насыпи.
Лучше бы pyкожoпы из ВГЛесты не трогали эту карту!

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