Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

3D-style "Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT option)" for the Strv S1 tank in World of Tanks

This is 1 of 2 3D styles in the WOT collaboration with G.I.Joe (2022). It's all timed to coincide with G.I.Joe's 40th anniversary.

Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT variant) -
This style is inspired by an armored rocket vehicle of the same name released in 1983. "Based on the U.S. Army's top-secret weapons system," the toy model came with a "Cover Girl" figure and was equipped with twin launchers loaded with 12 Stinger missiles.

Fictional. You can apply stage decals, group: Specials. Only for tank: Strv S1. Maximum per account: 1. Tech. price: 2500 Gold. ID: 647.

* G.I. Joe is one of the world's most popular action figure series produced by Hasbro. Several generations of children in different countries have played with them and were fascinated by the struggle of an international elite SWAT team against a complexly organized and well-coordinated global criminal network called Cobra.

** This collaboration will be released only for EU, NA, Asia, CN regions.

3D-style "Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT option)" for the Strv S1 tank in World of Tanks3D-style "Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT option)" for the Strv S1 tank in World of Tanks3D-style "Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT option)" for the Strv S1 tank in World of Tanks3D-style "Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT option)" for the Strv S1 tank in World of Tanks3D-style "Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT option)" for the Strv S1 tank in World of Tanks3D-style "Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT option)" for the Strv S1 tank in World of Tanks3D-style "Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT option)" for the Strv S1 tank in World of Tanks3D-style "Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT option)" for the Strv S1 tank in World of Tanks3D-style "Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT option)" for the Strv S1 tank in World of Tanks3D-style "Wolverine G.I. Joe (WoT option)" for the Strv S1 tank in World of Tanks
16 september 2022 year


16 september 2022 year
Стиль афигений просто мое почтение...
Надеюсь, что студия Леста сделает свой ответ Западу и порадует нас ещё более крутым 3д стилем!
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16 september 2022 year
надеемся что эта детская площадка не коснется ру региона. блитц и так есть. мы за мужскую игру!

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