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Patchnout of the second test update 1.18 in World of Tanks

List of changes to OT2 1.18 compared to OT1 1.18 WOT.

Corrections and improvements

  • Fixed a bug, due to which navigation arrows did not work in the main menu of the Tank Academy.
  • Fixed the bug which caused the arcade sight to shift abruptly when pressing W and S keys.
  • Fixed the bug which caused the shells to fly through the enemy's vehicle without causing any damage when shooting in direct collision.
  • Fixed the bug that caused some vehicles on the map "Lasville" in the scheme of the initial location of the vehicles were not in their places.
  • Fixed an error which caused Controcarro 3 Minotauro icon's color in crew vehicles lists to be inconsistent with standard color for PT-SAU.
  • Fixed some interface errors.
  • Fixed some technical errors.


  • Changed KorbenDallas to KorbenDaIlas (l to i) for all BB2021 customization.
  • Changed Shotnik to Sh0tnik (o to 0) everywhere for all BB2021 customization.

Changes to Vehicle Parameters


T32 FL.

  • Spread of gun during movement and turns of undercarriage T84E3A reduced by 24%;
  • Rotation speed of T84E3A undercarriage changed from 25 to 29 deg/s;
  • Spread of the 105 mm Gun T5E1/45 in the T119 turret changed from 0.4 to 0.38 m;
  • Reload time of the 105 mm Gun T5E1/45 in the T119 turret changed from 9.4 to 9 seconds;
  • Time to fire the 105 mm Gun T5E1/45 in the turret of the T119 changed from 2.1 to 1.9 sec;
  • Viewing range of the T119 turret changed from 400 to 390 m;
  • Armor penetration of APCR T29E3 projectile of 105 mm Gun T5E1/45 changed from 245 to 252 mm;
  • AP T32 AP projectile armor penetration of 105 mm Gun T5E1/45 changed from 208 to 218 mm.
  • The spread of the gun when moving and turning of the running gear of the AMX AC mle. 49 is reduced by 9%;


AMX AC mle. 48 FL.

  • The spread of the gun when moving and turning of the running gear of the AMX AC mle. 49 is reduced by 9%;
  • The gun's 120 mm AC SA46 firing time is changed from 2.7 to 2.5 s;
  • The strength of the machine is changed from 1000 to 1150 units.

AMX M4 mle. 51 FL.

  • Spread of the gun when moving and turning the undercarriage AMX M4 mle. 52 reduced by 36%;
  • The turning speed of the undercarriage AMX M4 mle. 52 has been changed from 28 to 26 deg/s.


Kranvagn BB.


  • Range from movement (max): from 0.20 (12.00) to 0.20 (9.00)
  • Scatter from Sight Turn (max): from 0.10 (2.92) to 0.18 (5.26)
  • Full drum reload: from 21.05 to 24.47
  • Gun velocity: From 6.78 to 6.01
  • Spread per 100 yards: from 0.35 to 0.38
  • Average damage per minute 1 (AP) projectile: from 2,983 to 2,642
  • Average damage per minute 2 (OD) projectile: from 2 983 to 2 642
  • Average damage per minute 3 (OF) projectile: from 3,594 to 3,183


  • Max forward speed: from 60 to 45
  • Max. speed backwards: from 18 to 12
Patchnout of the second test update 1.18 in World of Tanks
11 august 2022 year
Tags: Updates


А что Шотник был в ББ в прошлом году?
А Я ТАК И ЗНАЛ!!!ВСЁ ТАКИ Я НЕ ПЕРЕКУРИЛ ГАШИША И НЕ ПЕРЕПИЛ ВАЛЕРЬЯНЫ!!!СНАРЯДЫ-ТО РЕАЛЬНО НАСКВОЗЬ ПРОЛЕТАЮТ!!!(а они это ещё фиксят,наверное делают чтобы таких случаев было больше...)И так снаряды сквозь гусли или места где бк как бебра пролетают а после обновы наверное ещё больше тунки мазать будут!!!

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