Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

2D style "Warrior of the South" from patch 1.18 of World of Tanks

For a future 19th season on GK 2022.

"Warrior of the South" is.
"The sands have no home. They are where the wind takes them. The wind has no home - it's nowhere and it's everywhere. He drives the sands forward and follows them. It lifts thousands of years of rock from the earth and sends thousands of years of cities under the sand. He is mighty and all-powerful, and there is no one in the world who can control him. Whoever comes to our land will understand that we are the wind. And after thousands of years of cities, he who comes will be covered by the sand of oblivion that we have brought. And the sand will wash away the memory of those who did not come here in peace. We are the wind. But we are home. Our home, where foreign swords are not welcome. We did not call them, but let them know that here, beneath these endless sand dunes, there is room enough for all..."

Unhistorical. Installed only on level 8-10 tanks. Can apply large/stage decals, group: Special. Tech. price: 750 gold. ID: 527.

Pattern style: link.

2D style "Warrior of the South" from patch 1.18 of World of Tanks2D style "Warrior of the South" from patch 1.18 of World of Tanks2D style "Warrior of the South" from patch 1.18 of World of Tanks2D style "Warrior of the South" from patch 1.18 of World of Tanks2D style "Warrior of the South" from patch 1.18 of World of Tanks2D style "Warrior of the South" from patch 1.18 of World of Tanks2D style "Warrior of the South" from patch 1.18 of World of Tanks2D style "Warrior of the South" from patch 1.18 of World of Tanks2D style "Warrior of the South" from patch 1.18 of World of Tanks2D style "Warrior of the South" from patch 1.18 of World of Tanks
07 august 2022 year
Tags: Styles


Вася (WG - war gays) Вася (WG - war gays)
07 august 2022 year
Забавно - из 10 новостей об этой помойке - 7 - новые картинки! Не танки, не карты, не режимы - КАРТИНКИ!!! :) Конечно же, я, играя в ТАНКИ хочу видеть новые партаки на машине! Зачем мне новые режимы, новые карты - мне ж нужны новые ляпухи на танчиках!! :) Дебилы. Конченые, лицемерные, жадные ушлепки..
Вася (WG - war gays) Вася (WG - war gays)
07 august 2022 year
Реально - игра стала смесью цирка и казино - все в цветных кляксах (интересно - хоть одна сосалка из ВротКаминг понимает принцип и значение КАМУФЛЯЖА?), какие-то клоуны вместо членов экипажа, и НИКАКОЙ логики, математики, физики! Подкрученная рулетка с аляпистым фасадом.. Зато сколько пафоса - "мы - тОнкисты, у нас игра про войну, снаряды, броню.."
У тебя вавка в голове. Игры про войну это MoH, баттла. А танки это не про войну, и это даже не танковый симулятор, чтоб была достоверность.

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