Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

2D "Battle Banner" style from 1.16.1 in World of Tanks

"Battle Banner" (Popular and new vh) is an all—season style dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Additional description:
Unlike flags, which are made in unlimited quantities, battle banners always exist in a single copy. They appeared in the Red Army back in 1918 and were awarded to military units formed by the decision of the government as a symbol of honor, valor and glory. To this day, the banner is considered a military relic and is constantly under the protection of personnel. At the same time, during the fighting, it must be present on the battlefield.

During the Great Patriotic War, the ritual of storing the battle banner acquired special significance. In a difficult combat situation, a banner group from among particularly distinguished soldiers was appointed for protection, and a special order was issued for a part. The loss of a military shrine was considered a crime. In this case, the entire command staff and the perpetrators were put on trial by a military tribunal, and the military unit was disbanded.

Unhistorical. Suitable for equipment of any nation and level. You can apply large/stage decals, group: Special. Tech. price: 1250 gold. ID: 604.

* Style pattern: link.

2D "Battle Banner" style from 1.16.1 in World of Tanks2D "Battle Banner" style from 1.16.1 in World of Tanks2D "Battle Banner" style from 1.16.1 in World of Tanks2D "Battle Banner" style from 1.16.1 in World of Tanks2D "Battle Banner" style from 1.16.1 in World of Tanks2D "Battle Banner" style from 1.16.1 in World of Tanks2D "Battle Banner" style from 1.16.1 in World of Tanks2D "Battle Banner" style from 1.16.1 in World of Tanks2D "Battle Banner" style from 1.16.1 in World of Tanks
27 march 2022 year
Tags: Styles


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28 march 2022 year
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