Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

New WZ-111 model 6 premium heavy tank in the supertest of World of Tanks

The WZ-111 model 6 (China, TT-8, premium) came out this afternoon for a super test.
Short name: WZ-111 6.

Over the last month, the conveyor belt of premium has gone into overdrive.
Only in our game the WZ-111 model 5A can be at level 10, and the WZ-111 model 6 at level 8.
But in general, this is complete hackwork: the tank has a top turret from the Czechoslovak TNH T Vz. 51. Yes this is not the first tank to borrow modules, but to take a turret from a recently released branch of a completely different nation not related to China... But because of the borrowed turret the tank has good forehead armor.

Features and appearance as always in front of you.

* No description.

Crew of 4 people: Commander (Radioman); Gunner; Driver Mechanic; Loader.
Role in combat: Heavy breakout tank
Special equipment category: survivability.

New WZ-111 model 6 premium heavy tank in the supertest of World of TanksNew WZ-111 model 6 premium heavy tank in the supertest of World of TanksNew WZ-111 model 6 premium heavy tank in the supertest of World of TanksNew WZ-111 model 6 premium heavy tank in the supertest of World of TanksNew WZ-111 model 6 premium heavy tank in the supertest of World of TanksNew WZ-111 model 6 premium heavy tank in the supertest of World of TanksNew WZ-111 model 6 premium heavy tank in the supertest of World of Tanks
01 september 2022 year
Tags: Supertest


Антон (Toshik) Антон (Toshik)
01 september 2022 year
у меня в гараже уже есть 3 ВЗ-111
1-4, тигорь и кулинь :)
Убийца защитника
tankist_asssss (tankist_asssss) tankist_asssss (tankist_asssss)
02 september 2022 year
защитник сам себя убил отвратным сведением и копанием земли.
Макс (McSims) Макс (McSims)
02 september 2022 year
Очередной высер. хватит.
Leo_Duodecim (Leo_Duodecim) Leo_Duodecim (Leo_Duodecim)
04 september 2022 year
По сухим цифрам ТТХ с ангара чет не впечатляет танчик, если скрытые параметры как проходимость по грунтам и стабилизация будут хорошие и будут раздавать через марафон 4 главы боевого пропуска, то еще может вызовет интерес.

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