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Обратная связьWe do not like to explain something like this, but, alas, only in the last 1.5 weeks we received 10 people who wrote to us and reported that they had transferred money to tank scammers.
Since the beginning of March this year, as in the pandemic years, we are witnessing a flowering of tank scammers. They are no longer afraid of anything, because the copyright holder does not react to them in any way.
With the arrival of Lesta this has not changed in any way, and even on the contrary, VG at least occasionally dealt with these issues.
Basically you can find such cheating in Yandex and VKontakte ads. And if you think that the tankers are not falling for such things, you are deeply mistaken.
Here are two of the most popular ways to cheat players WoT now and other less popular below. For the first two most complaints.
* All of the links below are fraudulent!
Site offers to buy tanks that are not on sale and never was, including the legendary T95/FV4201 Chieftain. Well as well as the little things cheap prem account, gold and so on. The usual scam site, which was hundreds, but in advertising these scammers have invested a decent amount of money.
Even the tanks for the LBZ sell...
Wrote about it in 2020 during the pandemic (link), now they are running ads again. After logging into this site under the guise of WG offer to redeem unnecessary you premier tanks for real money. Of course all of this - deception.
WG tried to combat this, but in the end, as we understand it, they could not even do a simple filter for keywords/links.
In the PM in the game from an unfamiliar player comes LOUD text with a link, now it is a spoof site WoTReplays - wotssreplays.ru (DO NOT LOGIN!).
"Greetings, N! Not tired of playing with cheats yet? And how
You haven't been banned yet? You put the replay on the site, wait for the ban. Not bad shooting across the map.
wotssreplays.ru/replay841234 "
And yes, no response from such an account you will not get. They are scammers.
Meets in any advertising.
The ads offer to take a small survey related to the tanks or to leave a request. You are required to mail and / or cell phone.
It is really just collecting your data for further advertising from the scammers on the tanks.
List of changes to OT3 1.18.1 compared to OT2 1.18.1.
As said, the main imbue of the last patch was not the...
The Gryphon season will run from October 12, 11:00...
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Но конкретно к такому разводу я отношусь нейтрально, потому что танкистов не жалко и еще потому, что танкисты сами хотят тратить свои деньги на танки, так что пусть тратят. Если у них есть бабки на покупку всякого говна и ВоТ, то не обеднеют.
Давно в танках , отправил человека по схеме №1 ( на *** ) и забыл про него .