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Обратная связьLootboxes at the beginning of August Need? The return of WoT Lootboxes with unique equipment.
Most likely on the Chinese cluster is very bad and need the money, and are trying to lure them out of the players here this popular way. We have no other explanations for you.
From tomorrow, the Chinese cluster will start selling Lootboxes. It's not the first time they have such a sale, but this time they've added some unique equipment to it. The conditions are similar to Waffentrager Returns or New Year's Eve Offensive (more like the former), but in the Chinese cluster, it's not tied to any event/event - just like that.
From the new equipment will be dropped a unique tank: Strike, as well as previously released in China, but also unique KV-4 KTTS and WZ-113-II.
It is noteworthy that KV-4 KTTS has only recently received changes in the supertest, but in the release of the changes have not yet come out.
2D styles (not unique):
Other subjects:
* Lists of items on the screenshots below.
If the player opened 49 containers, but the tank did not fall out, then in the 50th container is guaranteed to fall that tank, which the player does not have. Thus the player can first knock out all 9 tanks, and then receive compensation for them when they fall out again.
** We should not wait for such an event. The closest that can be - "Return of Waffentrager" 2022 with a similar mechanics of the lootboxes.
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Че Вы???? Никаких подруток!!! Все по честному!!! Неделя сливов??? - просто не везет Вам!!! Только Ваш СКИЛЛЛЛЛ имеет значение и только он решает какой танк Вам выпадет с 50-й коробки! Без Вашего СКИЛА Вы и в 50-й коробке нашли бы самый честный игровой ХЕР!
Выставите на продажу Ударного и его купят, купят даже и КВ-4 КТТС и WZ-113-II. А засунь его в лутбоксы и получиш усиленную прибыль. 50 коробок = стоимости премТТ 8 ур., только не факт что он/они выпадут в даже 50й коробке. Ведь есть еще 6 премов в списке
Такими разводами скорее всего на Китайском кластере будет всё еще очень хуже