Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

New Personal tokens for the "Onslaught" mode in World of Tanks

The last time Personal Tokens were added in Battle of the Bloggers 2021, this customization is not the most popular in the game. More often than not, players set up a token once and don't change it again.

But still, here is a list of new Personal Tokens, which can be obtained in "Onslaught" mode by fulfilling different conditions:


  • Engraving Prestige Points.
    Total number of prestige points earned in "Onslaught" mode.
    * For level 10 engraving you need 3 200 prestige points.
  • Engraving "Victories in "Onslaught" mode".
    Number of victories in the "Onslaught" mode's Gryphon season.
    * For level 10 engraving you need 20 victories.


  • Background "Iron".
    Gives for the rank of "Iron" in the "Onslaught" mode Gryphon season.
  • Background Bronze.
    Gives for reaching the rank of Bronze in the Onslaught Gryphon season.
  • Silver Background.
    Gives for achieving the rank of Silver in the Onslaught Gryphon season.
  • Gold Background.
    Gives for achieving the rank of Gold in the Onslaught Gryphon season.
  • Champion Background.
    Issued for the Champion rank in the "Onslaught" Gryphon season.
  • Legend Background.
    Gives for achieving the rank of "Legend" in the Gryphon season of "Onslaught" mode.
New Personal tokens for the "Onslaught" mode in World of TanksNew Personal tokens for the "Onslaught" mode in World of TanksNew Personal tokens for the "Onslaught" mode in World of TanksNew Personal tokens for the "Onslaught" mode in World of TanksNew Personal tokens for the "Onslaught" mode in World of TanksNew Personal tokens for the "Onslaught" mode in World of TanksNew Personal tokens for the "Onslaught" mode in World of TanksNew Personal tokens for the "Onslaught" mode in World of TanksNew Personal tokens for the "Onslaught" mode in World of TanksNew Personal tokens for the "Onslaught" mode in World of Tanks
19 september 2022 year


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20 september 2022 year
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