Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

Historical 3D style "Krayt" for the 121B tank in World of Tanks

Will receive all players in the top 10,000 on personal glory points in the current summer event on the Iron Age GC.

  • Unique markers: yes.
    The marks represent the head of a snake. This is the first 3D style with unique markings for vehicles behind the GC.

Kreit - "So many stars. And each one has a name, someone once discovered it, put it in a special atlas, studies of all kinds. Constellations again. The Southern Cross, that's definitely it. That's the only thing I could make out. Who knew that my astronomical knowledge would be so sorely lacking here in the middle of nowhere, so that I could occupy myself while I was waiting for orders. I can't stand it. Counting equipment nuts again? One hundred and fourteen of them, hardly anything has changed during the day. I envy the mechanic - he is a carpenter's son, he carves ships from bark as smartly as a factory product. A busy man. He doesn't notice the time.

Lying on his armor, looking into the night. How much I miss the map of the starry sky..."

  • Historical. Group: Specials.
  • Can apply stage decals.
  • Tech price: 3000 gold.
  • Only for the tank: 121B.
  • Maximum per account: 1. ID: 655.
Historical 3D style "Krayt" for the 121B tank in World of TanksHistorical 3D style "Krayt" for the 121B tank in World of TanksHistorical 3D style "Krayt" for the 121B tank in World of TanksHistorical 3D style "Krayt" for the 121B tank in World of TanksHistorical 3D style "Krayt" for the 121B tank in World of TanksHistorical 3D style "Krayt" for the 121B tank in World of TanksHistorical 3D style "Krayt" for the 121B tank in World of TanksHistorical 3D style "Krayt" for the 121B tank in World of TanksHistorical 3D style "Krayt" for the 121B tank in World of TanksHistorical 3D style "Krayt" for the 121B tank in World of Tanks
27 july 2022 year
Tags: Styles


Макс (McSims) Макс (McSims)
28 july 2022 year
И что, даже упустят возможность продать его игрокам?
ZOV_Putina (ZOV_Putina) ZOV_Putina (ZOV_Putina)
28 july 2022 year
Расцветка - прям тайп 59G десятого левела) Жду когда леста введёт прем камуфляжи как в ракоблях, это вдохнёт в игру вторую жизнь
Victor Zsasz (FFF) Victor Zsasz (FFF)
28 july 2022 year
а с пенисами на стволе было бы круче
Kar1 MarkX (Rosso Forza) Kar1 MarkX (Rosso Forza)
28 july 2022 year
так они там есть, если присмотреться повнимательней - торчат в пасти гадин )))

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