Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

The final Glory Alley of the Summer Event at the Iron Age GC in World of Tanks

The 2022 Summer Event Alley of Fame at Iron Age GC has been cleared and accepted the final results.


  • A minimum of 1,542 glory points (16,000 place) were required to receive a tank in this event.
    * Before clearing it was: 1 594
  • 1 player was removed from the top 100.
    * Last (summer event): 3
  • 19 players were removed from the top 1000.
    * Past (summer event): 3
  • 403 players were removed from the top 16,000.
  • 1,174 users were removed from the entire Walk of Fame.
    * Last (summer event): 349
  • 68,074 players in total hit the Walk of Fame (5 or more battles).
    * Past (Summer Event 2021): 90 064
  • First place in the Hall of Fame points was taken again by IIomudop_MSK from [P_BY] Psihi_BY - 13,354
    * Past (winter event): 13 407

View your results: link.

All GARMENTS (as well as spending glory points) can be picked up/received from August 4 (night) to August 18 at 05:59 (MSC).
The accrual of equipment collected in the workshop will be on August 19.

Bon Auction will start August 4 at 06:00 (MSK) along with the opportunity to exchange personal glory points for prize bonuses and will end August 18 at 06:00 (MSK).

* The next GC event is scheduled for winter 2023, in February.

The final Glory Alley of the Summer Event at the Iron Age GC in World of Tanks
03 august 2022 year


Victor Zsasz (FFF) Victor Zsasz (FFF)
04 august 2022 year
"Аллея славы" - это верно, ведь люди, проведшие две недели лета за компьютером, это герои нашего времени ! Они не выходили на улицу и не портили природу своими отходами углекислого газа и метана. Они оставили за это время наименьший след своего существования на нашей планете. Малайцы ребята ! Рэспэкт !

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