Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

Bonuses and discounts for the 12th anniversary of World of Tanks

While you're collecting holiday coins for your daily BZ's at the Mouse, there will be promotions like this. Summer chill, everyone.

August 12-17:

  • Bonus when you convert experience to free (1 in 40).
  • Discounts on all level V research and collectible equipment (credits, 50%).
  • Discounts on all level VI-VII research and collectible vehicles (credits, 30%), except for Pawlack Tank and M-II-Y vehicles.
  • Discounts on all level VIII-X research and collectible vehicles (credits, 15%), except M-III-Y, M-VI-Y and M-V-Y vehicles.

August 15-19:

  • ×2 experience for each victory.

* Bonus applies to Random Battles for vehicles of levels IV-X with a "removed" star for the first victory.

From August 17-22:

  • Bonus when experience is converted to crew experience (1 to 25).
  • Discount on gear and equipment (credits, 50%).
  • Discount on appearance items (gold, up to 50%).
  • Discount on slots in the hangar (gold, 50%).

August 19-22:

  • ×5 experience for the first win of the day on each machine.
  • Discount on bunks in the Barracks, crew skill resets, and crew training and retraining (gold, 50%).
  • Discount for changing crew skills (gold, 25%).
Bonuses and discounts for the 12th anniversary of World of Tanks
09 august 2022 year


я чёт не понял.Скидки на прем техники не будет???¿мля...а я с самолётов 2450 голды выбил,жду скидки на dicker max...
10 august 2022 year
С 12 по 17 августа , принципиально даже в игру заходить не буду .
Херня ,вся подготовка к Празднику, если кратко .

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