Heavy tanks of Czechoslovakia: read more.

Season 8 of the World of Tanks Combat Pass is coming to an end. Checklist

This is an important post, pay attention.

BP-8 is coming to a close - this is a reminder.

On Wednesday, August 31 at 03:30 (MSC), BP-8 will end, remember to do the following things, or YOU WILL LOSE THEM. Also described below are some aspects of the outgoing BP season.

Goods for BP tokens.

  • Save your tokens and you can spend them until December 20, 2022. They accumulate for all three seasons of BP 2022.
  • Next 9th season of BP (Fall) you can buy a Lorraine 50 t or Cobra as long as you have taken trophy equipment in previous seasons. Now you will have enough tokens for a second tank.

One additional trophy equipment per season of BP

  • For three (3) Combat Pass tokens, you can get one trophy equipment of your choice in the "Goods for Tokens" section of the in-game Shop. Only once per season.

* This option will not accumulate and will not roll over to the next BP season!
So spend 3 BP tokens once per season on the trophy equipment of your choice. Don't forget to do it before the end of the current BP-8!

BP-8 Merchandise Points.

Spend them all or they will simply be burned! They must all be spent by the end of season 8. Points are only saved within one season of BP.
Maximum points per season: no limit.
We advise you to pay your attention to sets with bonuses.

Unselected rewards within the BP-8 progression

If you don't pick up your BP-8 progression awards by the end of season 8, the system will automatically pick them for you according to the rules. So SELECT THEM YOURSELF!
We advise to pay your attention to the future branch of PT-SAU Italy.

Unique BP crew members.

They are all indefinite, recruit whenever you want. They are not of much value right now.

Check to see if you've been saving up skip points without activating a chapter

This way the chapter's progress was not filled and the points were accumulating for nothing. Activate the chapter so that all accumulated points are poured into the selected chapter.

Next BP, Season 9

  • BP-9 will start in early September in all regions, the exact dates are not yet available.
  • You will be able as in season 8 to get one trophy equipment to choose from. It will be available in-game Shop for tokens.

Price: three BP tokens.

10-12 BP seasons are expected in 2023 with new tanks. Possible changes.

Season 8 of the World of Tanks Combat Pass is coming to an end. ChecklistSeason 8 of the World of Tanks Combat Pass is coming to an end. ChecklistSeason 8 of the World of Tanks Combat Pass is coming to an end. ChecklistSeason 8 of the World of Tanks Combat Pass is coming to an end. Checklist
14 august 2022 year


А шо-этот бп неплохая доилка бон и свободки,ну и брошурок)))один пропуск прошёл,где то 2к собрал+ещё на ивенте 12 летнем,600 по 5 раз бон взял.Жду ноября,там и скидки на прем технику будут(день танкиста),и долгожданная награда.на т-34 3 не хватает 1к,постараюсь собрать до ноября.
Steal Ex (Steal Ex) Steal Ex (Steal Ex)
15 august 2022 year
Играй на 10ках побольше, быстрее нафармишь
Сделали бы чтобы за очки БП можно было приобретать любое количество бон, а не 100, 200, 300. К примеру у меня 3980 очков БП, (до 4 тысяч не успел), то я смогу взять только 300 бон, а 980 очков потеряю и ни что на них не возьмешь... как-то это не правильно.
Константин (wing) Константин (wing)
14 august 2022 year
Ты 20 очков легко добьешь. Даже после прохождения БП, очки накапливаются.

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