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Обратная связьThis time, the "Into the Fight!" campaign is also integrated into the Combat Pass!
By participating in it, you can get more rewards, explore more quickly the equipment you need and train your crew for it. Now you have:
No more voting: each player will be able to decide for which branch of research he will receive bonuses!
The "Into the Fight!" promotion is inextricably linked to the Combat Pass, so the choice of research branches will be limited to the key equipment of the game event - three X level machines.
* Combat objectives are activated immediately for the current month and will be valid until its end. You can activate them in the game client on the Warehouse in the section "Deliveries from the rear". After that, the chain of combat tasks for the selected branch of equipment becomes available. Next month you can make a new choice.
It is up to the player to decide which branch of equipment to explore. Combat tasks for the selected branch will be available during the month, then it can be changed to another one. And so on during all three months of the Combat Pass.
** Rewards for completing Combat Tasks sums up if all conditions and limitations are met.
*** Tasks only for an activated tank branch.
List of changes to OT3 1.18.1 compared to OT2 1.18.1.
As said, the main imbue of the last patch was not the...
The Gryphon season will run from October 12, 11:00...
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не могли другой что ли выбрать?