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Hunt: Showdown will get a new version of the engine in August

Hunt: Showdown general manager David Fifield addressed gamers with a number of important announcements. He announced that the long-awaited transition of the shooter to the CryEngine 5.11 engine will take place on August 15, although Crytek originally planned it for the beginning of the year.

Fifield also announced that as of August 15, support for Hunt: Showdown on PS4 and Xbox One will cease. He specified that from that point on it will be impossible to play the shooter on outdated consoles - users will have to switch to PS5 or Xbox Series X|S.

The transition to new consoles will be as smooth as possible: the game, purchased DLC and accumulated progress will be transferred completely and without additional fees.

Until August 15, Crytek will share weekly new details about the update of Hunt: Showdown to the CryEngine 5.11 engine. The studio will also tell about measures to combat cheaters, toxic players and other improvements.

Hunt: Showdown will get a new version of the engine in August
22 may


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